Hello. I decided to take a step away from my usual themes and write about something I have been secretly passionate about for years now: skincare.
It definetly started back in 2009ish, when I had a boyfriend who was not so nice to me; I believe the term was “acne faced, wrinkled bitch.” Followed by a friend who made an off-handed comment to me of, “you could use a chemical peel.” And then the cherry was someone I didn’t know well at all, who came up to me after my return to NH, once giving me a look-over said, “Yeah, I’m getting old too.”
Thus begun my journey to find the perfect skincare regimen and turn back whatever the hell everyone else was seeing on my face, that apparently I had not noticed. So it began.
Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, Botox, fillers, monthly facials- followed by THOUSANDS of dollars in any and every skincare line I had heard of, read aboout, seen on TV, etc. etc. There was no end in sight. I’m not going to name every brand because most of them test on animals, and I really do not want to give them the hyperlinks, backlinks or any other SEO help to boost sales and hurt more defenseless animals.
First step: Find a medical aesthetician. No problem.
I will say, due to one of the foremost injectors in the country, my face saw years come off it almost instantly. To this day, I rely on her talent and grace to keep me feeling my best, without overdoing it. Yes, she does say no if she feels I don’t need it. Most med spas will just take your money and not think twice. No, I don’t look like the damn cat lady, Jocelyn Wildenstein. I just look like I was supposed to, had I taken better care of my skin from the start.
Listen, I know that vainty is literally a sin- and as a good Catholic girl, well- I’m supposed to break the rules anyway. However, I still had not found the skincare products that perfectly worked with me on an every day basis.
Next step: Find a skincare line that works.
I’m digressing from the point of what I wanted to write about… so we will now fast forward to 2019, where I found the products that I had been looking for, for an entire decade: Save the Wave Skincare.

Side note: no, this is not sponsored, nor did they ask me to write this. I think it’s important to share something amazing when you find it. Maybe I will help someone else who is hurting.
The products from this skincare line are all developed by two friends of mine, who happen to be sisters. One is a Nurse Practitioner and the other is a Physician Assistant- both educated at Duke. (So, they are wicked smaht)
The thing I love the most about this company, is that every product has EVERYONE in mind, including the planet and the little creatures who live on it. From SPFs with a mineral base, making it safe to go ito the ocean and not destroy the reefs, plastic-free shampoos, conditioners and skincare soaps, to vegan and gluten-free items- it’s just all thoughtful and created with purpose. ALL of it is cruelty-free. The very best part about all of it is this: my skin has never looked or felt better. I actually LOVE telling people I am 41 for the reaction.
Aside: I know what you’re thinking- “she gets Botox, etc” but if you know anything about skincare, you’d know that needles alone don’t do it. You need a daily regimen to keep it up and smooth out the details. And this is it. (well, for me personally)
My favorite skincare items (in no particular order): I use most of these EVERY DAY on my face, neck, décolletage, and my hands.
- 20% Vitamin C Serum. LOVE THIS PRODUCT.
- Mineral Based Tinted Moisturizer, with SPF 30.
- Hydrating Retinol Serum. Every night!
- Nourishing Everything Oil. This is liquid gold. I carry one in my purse. Goes under eyes, on lips and anywhere you need extra moisture in these dry seasonal days.
- Amber & Honey Scrub. Trust me on this one.
- BioMarine Hydration Cream. This is feels like a silky kiss of moisture, mixed with a gentle lovey scent. It’s the eye cream I have spent $$$ to find- and this one is only $26.
- Corrective Anti-Aging Masque. Use only 20 minutes, 2-3 times a week. Your skin will feel like satin. There is also a Blueberry Charcoal Mud Mask that is delicious, so I guess I do love them both. Depends on the mood.
- Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum. I love this one as a good night kiss- after I wash my face for bed, and before the Retinol.
There are SO MANY MORE items that would be perfect for many different concerns, the ones I listed just happen to work for me.
My favorite items that are not “regimen” based:
- EVERY shampoo is insane. I cannot pick a favorite because they all work and all smell delicious.
- EVERY soap works fantastic on my skin. You’d have to read the descriptions to figure out which would be good for your skincare concern.
- The cream deodorants smell so good- and actually work, without the chemicals that people are flipping out these days. Charcoal Spearmint is my current favorite, but I love the Lemongrass too.
I could go on an on because I have tried 99% of their collection. Actually, my husband has too- and he loves it just as much. In fact, this is one of the only times I was confused as to why something was running out, and got the response, “I thought what is mine is yours?” ha ha. Well, okay then. He even lets me put the masks on him.
I have to say, looking back on every bully who has ever crossed my path, I love looking at my life right now and smiling. Some day I will get into the detail of true bullying I have dealt with over the course of my life, but for now, I will stick with the ones who made me look in the mirror and love what I look like today.
So, thanks.