I wrote this a while back for GY&K’s blog. Thought I would share, as these tips are always useful!
Four Easy But Sometimes Overlooked Digital Marketing Basics.
It can be overwhelming to think of all the digital options in today’s marketing world. It’s completely understandable to feel like the #trends are happening quicker than you can keep up. After all, your digital marketing efforts can make a big impact on your company’s visibility. Before you take off for summer vacation, check out these simple digital maintenance items, which can be easily overlooked:
1. Website content
- Is the contact, profile, company and product/service information correct?
- Do you have any typos? When was the last time you really went through and analyzed your website copy? Does it all make sense?
- Is the press/media information up to date?
- Have you installed Google Analytics? Have you been tracking it?
Updating content not only helps keep your brand fresh, it also helps those little magicians in the back end of your computer happy. I’m talking about SEO. For a refresher on alt-tags, keywords and more SEO basics, visit seomoz.
2. Google Alerts
- Have you set up a “Google Alert†for your company name and your direct competitors?
Google Alerts monitor the Web for new content. You know you’re going to check email from the beach, right? Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries.
Here’s what it looks like in your inbox:

Here is a link so you can set up your own #GoogleAlerts.
3. Facebook and Twitter
- Have you optimized your page for the Timeline yet? Not sure how? That’s okay! Our PR and Social Media Manager Liz Pollock gave us the basics here. It is also a good idea to make sure all the content and company information is correct. Encourage your employees to become fans!
- Is it time to update your bio or background image? You might also want to make sure you are engaging appropriately with new followers.
4. LinkedIn Company profile
- Update company information (address, basic bio, etc) as this will encourage people to “follow†any changes with the goings on of your business – changes such as new employees, position changes, contact changes.

- Don’t forget to remind employees that they can impact your company’s digital presence in a positive way by posting about the company on LinkedIn and other social media outposts.
Now that you have your #DigitalHousekeeping in check, make sure you are analyzing the metrics of the progress of your work. Look at your likes, followers, Google placement and analytics to see if these simple steps boost your digital presence.
Do you have any other digital housekeeping tips that might be easily overlooked?