It’s been quite a busy year thus far- and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down any time soon. I’m not complaining. It’s been wonderful, but have you ever taken a step outside your self and realized you are spreading yourself too thin? I did that just now.

So, if you have read any of my blog posts before this, you’ll know I am in a healthy adult relationship with an amazing man. He works too much and too hard, but I have never respected someone for such an amazing work ethic- and that isn’t even his best quality. What’s also great is he is actually doing what he says he is doing…which has caused me to TRUST someone for the first time (applause). It’s fantastic and does wonders for your stress levels.
Relationship aside, I am in grad school for my masters. This would be fine if it weren’t for the 3 hour class every Wednesday after a full day of working 72 miles from where I live. I know that the end result will be worth it- but for now I am going to be a little grouchy at this self-inflicted commitment.
I am the marketing chair for Catapult Seacoast– a networking group for young professionals in NH/ME/MA. This requires many emails, meetings and the added energy to get a bunch of people motivated. I would be lying if I wasn’t honest with the fact that our events seem to be without purpose (aside from alcohol and networking banter), but the team is working hard to change this- and I am here for the ride- and leading my part best I can. We’ll see. I’m moderately hopeful.
My boyfriend’s son is a freshman at my alma mater, St. Thomas Aquinas. It’s really cool because most of the teachers from my time are still teaching there- and I’m fortunate they remember me and my “one hit wonder” musical, Guys and Dolls (I played Adelaide).  It’s exciting to be an adult and get to mingle with people who probably put you in detention every single day of high school (hey, I cannot help it if they do not make skirts that go to my knees! I am 5’9!). However- I refuse to call Mr. Collins, Kevin, or Mr. Holtz, Ron. Sorry, not going to happen. That being said, I have joined the “parent” committee! I even made the Facebook page! So far, I helped plan a parent social and am currently on the board for the upcoming fashion show. It’s exciting, but I would be lying if the looks I get when I walk into a meeting form the other “moms” didn’t bother me. Hey- I may not be officially a mom, but this is my school…back off. :) Besides, I am a VOLUNTEER! The coordinator, Sarah, makes it fun to be a part of it all- she’s awesome. I have got in the habit of calling her on my ride to work to vent. Sometimes she does the same- so all in all a friendship was formed, which is nice.

The house we live in is a 250 year old colonial. I will not tell you how much money we have spent on heating this house- and I will not tell you how many times the oil thingy (technical term) has broken, but as of last night it is fixed. Sigh. I hope it is fixed. This house drives me nuts. The warm water is so temperamental I have not successfully taken ONE bath since we moved in (MY FAVORITE THING), and if you use the water downstairs in the morning while someone is in the shower, the water immediately goes to downstairs and you’re left with ice. The fireplace, while romantic and very aesthetically pleasing, only seems to heat 1′ of space in front of it. So if you want to get warm while the oil thingy isn’t working- you have to sit your ass directly in front of the fire- causing you to smell exactly like you think you would smell sitting in a fire pit. The pipes freeze and break. The cabinets don’t close. Not one window was properly installed, so there is a constant breeze. There is a train. OMG I can’t believe that isn’t the first thing I mentioned. The train. This train has a wonderful schedule that goes all night long. It shakes the house so much that when we had a mild earthquake- it had nothing on the train. Did I mention I am a light sleeper? We are moving to a nice, big 3 BR house on April 1st in York, Maine. Needless to say, April cannot come soon enough for us!
Of all the tasks my schedule is filled with, of all the commitments I say “yes” to on a daily basis- it’s the phone call I just received that makes it all seem like white noise. Nothing could possibly bother me when I hear his voice.
In case your curious: I’m picking up vegetables on the way home for dinner- and he loves me. 🙂
glad you guys are so happy!
we’re close to the train too. it is isn’t that bad, is it? sorry to see you leave the ‘hood. maybe I’ll still run into you at Luna. 🙂
We live right next to the train- but it goes under us. It’s that bad. ha ha. It’s the 12 Midnight and 3am ones that really get us. Oh you WILL see me in LunaChics. My favorite store that I would never give up- regardless of geographic location! Dinner/drinks soon!!